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Hormones and Acne: Understanding the Link

Acne is the bane of teenage life. It also plagues up to half of adult women and becomes a persistent problem for 80% of them. All age groups share a common cause: hormones. Here’s how hormones and acne are connected.
Jul 24th, 2024
I Think I Have a Suspicious Mole. What Are My Next Steps?

I Think I Have a Suspicious Mole. What Are My Next Steps?

All skin cancers are curable at an early stage, yet melanoma, the deadliest type, is the fourth most common cancer in women and men. Learn how to recognize a suspicious mole and what to do if you’re worried about a skin lesion.
Jun 19th, 2024
Get the Most Out of Your Fillers

Get the Most Out of Your Fillers

Dermal fillers are incredibly popular facial treatments because they deliver immediate results and do a remarkable job of smoothing away wrinkles. Fillers eventually wear off, but you can make them last longer by following five tips.
May 9th, 2024
Hair Loss Runs in My Family: What Should I Do?

Hair Loss Runs in My Family: What Should I Do?

When hair loss runs in the family, you have a higher risk of thinning and balding. But genetics don’t always determine your fate, and you can slow or stop hair loss with early treatment. Here are four steps toward maintaining beautiful hair.
Apr 10th, 2024
Teen with Eczema scratching her shoulder

Helping Your Teen with Eczema

During an eczema flare-up, teens struggle with relentless itching, disrupted sleep, and the stress of a condition that affects their social and emotional well-being. Parents can help their teens cope by following seven supportive guidelines.
Mar 11th, 2024
A woman being treated with laser hair removal

5 Reasons to Consider Laser Hair Removal Before Summer

You’re ready to shed winter clothing and enjoy the sun, but don’t look forward to the extra time shaving and waxing to look good in your summer outfits. The solution? Get laser hair removal before summer and say goodbye forever to shaving.
Feb 8th, 2024
Concerned man in front of a mirror looking at his hair while touching it with his hands

The Emotional Impact of Hair Loss

Everyone knows they could face balding or thinning hair one day, but they tend to believe it will happen to someone else. The hard truth is that half of all women and men experience hair loss, which takes an emotional toll for most.
Jan 2nd, 2024
Sitting woman with red spots on different places of her body

Can Dietary Changes Help My Eczema Symptoms?

Food allergies may trigger eczema flare-ups, but allergies don’t always affect the condition, and switching to a healthy diet may help even if you don’t have allergies. Keep reading to sort through the complex connection between food and eczema.
Dec 11th, 2023
How to Prevent Acne Flare-ups After 40

How to Prevent Acne Flare-ups After 40

Everyone expects to grow out of their teen acne, but it doesn’t have a cut-off date. Having adult acne is common — especially in women — and many still struggle with breakouts after 40. Here, you’ll learn why and how to prevent acne flare-ups.
Nov 2nd, 2023
 Botox for Crow’s Feet: What to Expect

Botox for Crow’s Feet: What to Expect

Crow’s feet commonly appear as you age, but you don’t need to live with them. If you’re unhappy with deep wrinkles next to your eyes, you can rejuvenate your appearance without surgery by choosing Botox® injections.
Oct 2nd, 2023
How to Manage a Severe Psoriasis Flare-up

How to Manage a Severe Psoriasis Flare-up

Knowing your psoriasis can flare up doesn’t help prepare you for when it happens. The sudden uncomfortable symptoms and your emotional response affect your overall well-being. Here, you’ll learn five tips for managing a severe flare-up.
Sep 1st, 2023
Hormones and Hair Loss: Understanding the Link

Hormones and Hair Loss: Understanding the Link

Hair loss appears at an earlier age in men, but it’s a challenging problem that eventually affects half of all men and women. Whether you notice balding or overall thinning, there’s a good chance hormones are involved.
Aug 1st, 2023
5 Early Warning Signs of Melanoma

5 Early Warning Signs of Melanoma

Melanoma is the deadliest skin cancer, yet it’s highly curable when it’s treated before it spreads. You can only protect yourself if you recognize the signs telling you to seek help. Here’s what you need to know about melanoma’s early warning signs.
Jul 2nd, 2023
Get Fuller Lips With Juvéderm®

Get Fuller Lips With Juvéderm®

Using Juvéderm® to enhance your lips is one of the fastest, easiest, and most dramatic changes you can make to your appearance. And your beautiful new lips will last for up to a year. Keep reading to learn how Juvéderm plumps your lips.
Jun 1st, 2023
How Do I Prepare for Laser Hair Removal?

How Do I Prepare for Laser Hair Removal?

Though it’s super easy to prepare for laser hair removal, you should know that you will need to follow a few instructions in the weeks and days before your appointment. Keep reading to learn how to get ready for your laser session.
May 3rd, 2023

Why Who Administers Your Botox® Matters

Botox® parties have become so popular that you may think it’s an easy treatment anyone can administer. Nothing could be further from the truth. Who administers your Botox determines the quality of your results.
Apr 3rd, 2023

5 Common Eczema Triggers

If you have an intensely itchy rash that comes and goes, you may have eczema. Unlike common skin rashes, eczema is a chronic condition that keeps flaring up in response to certain triggers. Here’s what you need to know about eczema triggers.
Mar 2nd, 2023
Why Do Adults Get Acne?

Why Do Adults Get Acne?

Unfortunately, acne doesn’t automatically disappear when you reach your 20s. Many adults keep having acne breakouts, even into their 50s. Here, you’ll learn why adults get acne and pick up a few tips for treating the problem.
Feb 5th, 2023
The Emotional Side of Hair Loss

The Emotional Side of Hair Loss

Everyone knows they could face balding or thinning hair one day, but they tend to believe it will happen to someone else. The hard truth is that half of all women and men experience hair loss, which takes an emotional toll for most.
Jan 2nd, 2023
What Most Don’t Know About Psoriasis

What Most Don’t Know About Psoriasis

Psoriasis affects nearly 8 million Americans and often begins before age 25. But those facts don’t begin to express the impact of psoriasis on your physical and emotional well-being. Here, we explain important facts you may not know about psoriasis.
Dec 1st, 2022
Signs Your Diet is to Blame for Your Skin Issues

Signs Your Diet is to Blame for Your Skin Issues

A healthy diet is essential for keeping your skin in top condition. But that doesn’t mean skin problems signal nutritional deficiencies. An unhealthy diet can leave your skin looking dull and dry and trigger chronic skin conditions.
Nov 1st, 2022
I’m Concerned That My Chronic Acne is Going to Leave Scars

I’m Concerned That My Chronic Acne is Going to Leave Scars

Acne doesn’t always cause scars, and there’s no way to predict who will end up with the problem. But we can tell you how to lower your risks of acne scarring, and if scars appear, you can stress less, knowing treatment can diminish them.
Oct 1st, 2022
Yes, You Can Remove Hair There

Yes, You Can Remove Hair There

Lasers have the extraordinary ability to precisely target hair follicles, making it possible to safely and permanently eliminate hair nearly anywhere on your body, including your bikini area. Here’s what you should know about removing hair “there.”
Sep 1st, 2022
7 Telltale Symptoms of Psoriasis

7 Telltale Symptoms of Psoriasis

Early psoriasis treatment is the best way to control this inflammatory, chronic condition. And recognizing the symptoms is the only way to know when to seek medical care. Here’s a rundown of the seven telltale signs of psoriasis.
Aug 1st, 2022
How Hormones Contribute to Hair Loss

How Hormones Contribute to Hair Loss

By the age of 50, half of all women and men have hair loss due to an inherited hormone condition. But it’s not the only hormone problem that contributes to hair loss. Keep reading to learn about the hormones that cause hair thinning and balding.
Jul 6th, 2022
Replenish Facial Volume and Look Younger With Juvéderm

Replenish Facial Volume and Look Younger With Juvéderm

Juvéderm® began as an effective dermal filler targeting your fine lines and wrinkles. Now it’s time to learn how Juvéderm can replenish facial volume, making you look younger by lifting your cheeks, plumping your lips, and reshaping your chin.
Jun 1st, 2022
Why Do I Still Get Acne and How Can I Get Rid of It?

Why Do I Still Get Acne and How Can I Get Rid of It?

Most people think acne is a problem for teens. But people of all ages can get acne, even into their 50s. And some adults discover that their acne is just as hard to get rid of as teen acne. Read on to learn why you get adult acne and how to treat it.
Apr 7th, 2022